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TRG meeting 2011

When Nov 03, 2011
from 08:30 am to 06:00 pm
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Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce that the Tactile Research Group will meet this year on Thursday, November 3rd, at Sheraton Seattle Hotel, in Seattle, Washington. The Psychonomic Society meeting will take place at the same Hotel from Thursday evening, November 3rd through Sunday, November 6th. We also usually have a group dinner on Thursday evening.


The invited speakers for this year's meeting are:

Amir Amedi (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

Stephen Helms Tillery (Arizona State University, USA)

Richard Ladner (University of Washington, USA)

Karon McLean (University of British Columbia, Canada)

Lee Miller (Northwestern University, USA)

David Shore (McMaster, Canada)

Junji Watanabe (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Japan)

Doug Weber  (University of Pittsburgh, USA)


In addition there will be talks devoted to several topics in tactile/haptics, the confirmed speakers are:

Soledad Ballesteros (UNED, Spain)

Sliman Bensmaia (University of Chicago, USA)

Huiyuan Cao (Université de Technologie de Compiègne, France)

Claus Christian Carbon (University of Bamberg, Germany)

Farley Norman (Western Kentucky University, USA)

Burak Güçlü (Bogazici University, Turkey)

Masashi Nakatani (Keio University, Japan)

Krista Overvliet (University of Leuven, Belgium)

Dianne Pawluk (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)

Tomaso Vecchi (University of Pavia, Italy)

Mounia Ziat (Northern Michigan University, USA)


In order to help us in the further planning of the meeting, please indicate whether you plan to attend to the meeting and to the group dinner. Furthermore, indicate if you are willing to give a talk (give subject and preliminary title).

Please, inform your colleagues and students who might be interested in the scope of the meeting.

The psychonomic Society meeting usually arranges a conference hotel at reduced rates:

Registration for psychonomics is free but a TRG meeting fee (last year it was $19 for students and $33 for senior scientists will be charged at arrival or before the TRG meeting. Most of this fee is to cover the audio-visual costs and food. The final cost will be fixed after knowing the number of attendees.


Members of the TRG involved in organizing this year’s meeting include Pr. Sliman Bensmaia (, Dr. Masashi Nakatani ( and myself (

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